Which Type of Dog Suits Your Lifestyle?

So Many Breeds, So Many Choices!



It can get confusing trying to choose the perfect breed of dog for your home. You have to take into consideration a lot of factors, such as space, temperament, health, and more.  And the breed choices can go on for miles!

There are small dogs, like Terriers and large breeds like German Shepherds.  Which dog has a happy temperament and is safe for you to have around children? Which ones would make perfect companions for the elderly?

Is there a certain breed that works well being left alone in a small apartment all day while you go to work for nine hours?  You have to consider all of these factors before you rush off to the dog store and let those big sad eyes lure you into making a rush decision.

You want to be careful that you choose a breed that fits in well with your lifestyle.  For instance, you may abhor grooming and caring for a dog, so a breed that requires constant brushing, bathing, and trips to the vet wouldn't make a good fit with your family.

It's just as important for your dog to be happy with your choice as it is for you and your loved ones to feel happy welcoming the animal into your home.  Happiness is more than just playtime. 

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Exercise in Your Golden Years

Maintaining Health into Your Golden Years

Everybody ages, and as we age we tend to slow down a bit. Our bodies change and we find ourselves having stiffness, aches and pains where none were before. It's very tempting to simply quit exercising; however, this is a recipe for loss of fitness. Instead, adjusting your fitness routine is the way to go. Read on to find out how.

The Importance of Active Lifestyle


No matter what age you are, activity is very important. To stay fit, active and alert, it's necessary to practice some form of exercise and/or stretching every day. Doing this will improve your overall health and help you keep the strength you need to attend to your daily tasks and remain independent.

Loss of muscle mass and stamina are common with aging. For this reason, it's important to avoid forms of exercise that are intended for people who are young and very fit. Instead, seek forms of exercise that are gentle and simple to do and allow you a great margin of success.

Choosing the Appropriate Exercise

When you choose your exercise appropriately, you will avoid the risk of injury. There are many excellent seated exercise routines for seniors to choose from. Additionally, you can adapt to almost any light exercise video to do while remaining seated. Remember to keep a set of light dumbbells or even a couple of one pound cans of something by your TV chair to get a little exercise while you watch TV.

If you have never exercised before, don't despair. You can begin with very simple, gentle exercises such as range of motion and other light physical therapy type exercises. Ask your doctor for resources to help you learn light and gentle forms of exercises to get you started. Once you are stronger and feeling more confident, you may wish to move on to water aerobics, yoga, tai chi or some other fairly quiet form of exercise.

Water aerobics is a great form of safe exercise for seniors. It is especially helpful for those with arthritis. When participating in water aerobics, the water supports your weight and helps you keep your balance. If you do fall, you have nothing to fear because you can simply relax and float! Water aerobics classes also provide a wonderful opportunity to socialize.

When you exercise regularly, you are far less likely to fall in your daily life. Continuing to exercise helps you retain your sense of balance and your physical strength. If you do slip and fall, you are far more likely to do so without breaking a bone. If you do break a bone, you will recover more quickly if you are in good shape thanks to regular exercise. If you are already fairly fit, you may simply wish to add more enjoyable activities to your life.

Health for Your Golden Years


You can use your pursuit of an active lifestyle as an opportunity to spend more time with friends, family members and especially grandchildren. Getting together for walks, swimming, bike rides or even dancing can be excellent ways to stay in touch with those you love while staying fit. By making adjustments to accommodate the changes in your body as you age, you can stay fit, healthy and active. Follow the tips presented here to make the most of your healthy golden years.


Exercise for Seniors

Fitness Tips for Busy People

Want to get in shape but don't have time to work out?

Read this article to find out how you can follow a good fitness program while managing your busy schedule. If you think you do not have enough time to exercise, you should reassess your priorities. Perhaps you could spend your free time in a different way: watch less TV or spend less time on the computer so you can work out.




Finding a Time and Place for Fitness

Exercising is a good way to manage your stress and should help you focus on your work. If you find that exercising helps you be more productive at work, take some time off to exercise some more. And if you do not have the energy to work out regularly, change your schedule so you can go to bed early, get up thirty minutes earlier than usual and get a good work out in the morning. This will give you more energy to go through your day.

You can exercise during your breaks at work. If you have your own office, bring a yoga mat and do some abs or push-ups during your breaks. You should also prepare your meal in advance so you can eat quickly and spend most of your lunch-break exercising. Talk to your employer about your fitness program and explain him or her that exercising is important for your health and helps you manage your stress and be more productive.


In some companies, employees have their own gym and studies have shown that the employees who take breaks to work out are usually more productive than others. If your employer is not very open to these ideas or if you do not have a place to exercise at work, try finding a gym close to your workplace so you can go work out during your lunch-break.

Make your Workout Sessions More Efficient


You should start with a different exercise every time so you have enough energy to really work on each muscle group at least once a week, maybe more if possible. You can also make your workouts more efficient by limiting yourself to a small number of different exercises and doing as many reps as possible. Doing many reps and increasing this number from one week to the other will cause your muscles to expand even more when they heal in between workouts.


Fitness: The Big Picture


Adopting a healthy diet and eating a lot of lean meats and eggs will help you get in shape quickly. Remember that working out regularly is not an excuse to make bad nutritional choices.



Get Fit and Avoid Injury

If you have a busy schedule, you cannot afford to get injured while you work out. An injury could really set you back in your fitness program and become a real handicap at work. You need to work out safely: if you feel any pain in your joints, you should stop immediately and correct your posture. You can develop good posture by observing people in workout videos or joining a class at your local gym.

You should always stretch a few muscles before and after you work out, take breaks as often as you need, drink plenty of water and wear comfortable clothes in which you can sweat.

Living a busy life should not keep you from taking care of your body. Even though following a fitness program can be hard at first, it will help you lower your stress and remain focused on your work.